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Additional Classes
Philadelphia, PA

Dental Implants

We are now 40 years since professor Brånemark introduced his research on osseointegration to the dental community. Dental Implants provide our patients with successful long-term restorative solutions for function, comfort, and aesthetics. Today, Dental Hygienists are seeing more patients with dental implants.

Implant manufacturers have introduced new implant designs, implant surfaces, and surface chemistry that affect biocompatibility and maintenance protocols. Therefore, there is a concern if what we are using to reduce the peri-implant inflammation may negatively affect the biocompatibility of the implant surface and the implant’s long-term success.
This class will review dental implant component materials and design and the biological compatibility of commonly used instruments, technology, and therapeutic materials.


•  Review history of osseointegration and dental implant therapy
•  Identify dental implant components for single-tooth and full-arch treatment concepts
•  Review of maintenance protocols for prevention of Peri-implantitis
•  Review biologically safe instrument materials to use on dental Implants.
•  Identify home care products and techniques safe for implant maintenance.
Dental Implant supported fixed restorative concepts are commonly sought after by patients with terminal dentitions. These restorative solutions have demonstrated long-term success in providing function, comfort, and aesthetics.

Implant Supported Full Arch Solutions can vary in the number of implants and restorative design. Prosthetics can be removable or fixed by screw retention or cementation.

With proper restorative design and the patients' commitment to homecare and professional recall maintenance, successful long-term rehabilitation can be achieved.

The Dental Hygienist needs to be comfortable with maintenance protocol for patients with complex implant restorations to ensure the long-term success of these cases. Proper oral hygiene is necessary for the reduction of etiology contributing to inflammation and peri-implantitis.

Screw-retained restorations are desirable to maintain mechanical function and biological complications after delivery and during the maintenance phase. A review of the American College of Prosthodontists' recommendations for when to remove fixed prosthetics for maintenance will be highlighted. Along with postsurgical aftercare for immediate provisional prosthetics and considerations for homecare tools and techniques.

A hands-on component of removal of the screw-retained prosthetic may be available.


•  Review Dental Implant Restorative History leading up to full arch restorative cases
•  Identify patient needs for complex implant restorations to ensure the long-term
success of these cases
•  Discuss the AAP Full Arch Dental Implant Restorative Maintenance Protocols
•  Identify indications for dental implant-specific instrumentation
•  Review protocol for removal of screw-retained fixed prosthetics
•  Review home care products and techniques for patients with fixed prosthetics

Vision and Ergonomics

This exciting class explores our vision and how it relates to patient care. The use of Magnification Loupes has become the standard of care for Dentistry and Dental Hygiene. This class will explain how our eye work, the different methods of correction for common visual conditions, reading glasses vs loupes, various methods of adjunct Illumination, and new technology to help us visualize oral cancer in its earliest stages.


•  Explore vision and how it affects our practice
•  Identify our changing visual needs for dental practice and everyday life
•  Identify various visual diseases some of our patients experience - Review of common eyeglass prescriptions
•  Experience the use of magnification loupes and adjunct lighting to aid in our patient care
•  Explore technology available to help identify oral cancer in earlier stages


•  Embrace change and recognize that change is ultimately for the better
•  Recognize times when we can change our ergonomic practice for the better
•  Identify your own visual condition and how it affects our ergonomics while practicing dental hygiene
•  Hands-on experience with Loupes and Lighting
•  Identify learning curves when implementing new technology
After twenty years of working with dental professionals, it is now time for Lynn to share her experience of how dental professionals have chosen to live with, ignore, treat, and not treat occupational pain.

Similar to periodontal disease long-term exposure to dysfunctional posture does cause degeneration in our bodies, not unlike gingivitis we professionals are exposed to the early symptoms of occupational pain and often choose to ignore them, hoping it will go away on their own.


•  Identify the early signs of occupational pain
•  Identify early inherent risk factors and common injuries
•  Identify when to use heat, cold, rest, and when to talk with a doctor
•  Review the use of OTC painkillers
•  Review the benefits of Bodywork
•  Massage
•  Acupuncture
•  Chiropractic treatment
•  Physical Therapy
•  Raki
•  Rolfing

Career Advancements

It is not uncommon for Dental Hygienists to believe they are in a box when it comes to career options. This dynamic one-hour class introduces options for dental hygienists on alternative practice settings, managerial options, and how to find corporations looking for your experience. Learn about fellow hygienists who have invented products, become sought-after-product experts, started consulting firms, moved their way up the corporate ladder, and (YES!) sold product design to NASA.

Have Additional Questions?

Reach out to us anytime and we will be happy to answer any questions or concerns that you have!

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Additional Classes • Dental Practice Consultant Philadelphia, PA
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Practice At Your Best - Lynn Pencek, RDH, Philadelphia, Pa 19146 • 215-206-8784 • • 4/28/2024 • Page Phrases: Dental Practice Consultant Philadelphia Pa •