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Dental Consulting Services
Philadelphia, PA

Smiling dental professional consulting a patient, at Practice at your best.If you have a missing tooth or several missing teeth, dental implants are an effective treatment that offers a lifetime solution to tooth loss and help restore your smile. Dental implants surpass other dental replacements by far. Our dentist at Practice At Your Best will provide you with comprehensive dental therapy services where you are missing one tooth or a couple of them. We will also discuss your concerns, issues, and treatment options with you. If you are considering having a major dental procedure such as dental implants, a consultation is a good idea, and it is very important for numerous reasons.

Exploring Your Options

Most oral health problems have numerous possible solutions. You can choose the solutions based on your comfort level, budget, and cosmetic desires. Whenever you schedule a dental restoration, you will find that there are two options available: direct and indirect options. A straightforward alternative is where your existing tooth is restored by filling some materials into the damaged area. The cavity can be filled with glass ionomer, composite resin, plastic, porcelain, amalgam, silver, or gold. On the other hand, indirect restoration covers the damaged teeth with a dental crown, inlay, or onlay. If you have a missing tooth or several teeth, the dentist can recommend dental implants or non-implant options such as resin-bonded bridges, tooth-supported fixed bridges, or removable partial dentures.

When you visit your doctor for a dental implant consultation, they will assist you in exploring various options available for you. When you visit a dentist, they will inquire about your overall health and dental history through a series of questions. This comprehensive information gathering lets them identify the most suitable dental procedure tailored to their needs.

Understanding the Procedure

Dental implant procedures are usually complicated. Before you undergo the treatment, knowing what is ahead of you is essential. You will get to know what happens during the procedure, and your dentist will explain the process. In some cases, the dentist can use a helpful visual using product samples and tooth models to assist you in understanding all the necessary steps you will undergo during the procedure. If you're anxious, these explanations from the dentist can help ease some of your fear or tensions. You will also feel comfortable knowing all the processes you will pass and be mentally prepared.

Checking Your Eligibility for Dental Implants

Dental treatment is highly personalized. Every patient and each tooth is different, and damage or decay can happen in numerous ways. Some dental procedures may work well with you, while others may not. The dentist will first conduct a dental examination to know whether you are a good candidate for dental implants. Other health conditions in other parts of your body may also affect the suitability of some dental implant procedures.
When you discuss your health problem and medications with a dentist during the dental implant consultation, they can arrive at an optimum suitable procedure. For example, if you are taking blood thinners, you may be required to stop the medication to prevent excessive bleeding when undergoing the procedure. Dentists can likewise advise you to take antibiotics if you have a heart problem before any dental work procedure.

Providing Additional Dental Care Tips

Many patients are neglecting essential aspects of their dental care routine, despite it being seemingly simple. Brushing your teeth daily does not mean that you have observed oral health. The toothpaste you are using can be the root cause of the problem. Moreover, maybe you are flossing regularly but not doing it correctly to remove plaque from between all the tricky tooth formations. During a dental consultation, your dentist will give you some tips on these issues. You will learn information that will help you better care for your teeth. This is mainly essential when you are considering restorative dental procedures. You want to make sure that your smile gets proper attention and care so that you can protect your new dental implants, dentures, filling, or veneers.

Exploring Payment Options

Some dental procedures are costly. During the consultation, your dentist will discuss payment options and where you can contact your insurance provider if you have one so that they can settle your bills. Most dental offices allow insurance providers to settle your bills. Patients without insurance plans can request a written estimate. If you are uncomfortable paying the total sum at once, you can discuss a payment plan. Many dental offices allow you to pay the bill in smaller payments, so you are not strained on your budget. Dental consultation enables you to know how to proceed and what's ahead.

What Are the Advantages of a Dental Implant Consultation?

Reduces Uncertainty and Anxiety

One of the main benefits is its ability to debunk any myths or misconceptions associated with the dental implant procedure. This helps you to have a clearer understanding of the process and peace of mind. Dental implant consultation enables you to alleviate any fear or anxiety you may have.

Gives Clarity of Outcomes and Expectations

This is another reason why most patients come in for dental implant consultations. General dentists are enthusiastic about assisting you in maintaining your oral health and offering preventative treatments. Dental implant consultations allow them to look at your oral health, and they will be able to detect early symptoms of gum disease or tooth decay that may not be noticeable to you. Through dental cleaning, the dentist will remove tartar and plaque from the surface of your teeth. This will help minimize the amount of bacteria that cause gum disease and tooth decay. Both these measures assist in preventing gum disease and tooth decay.

Get Started Today – Book Your Consultation

A regular dental check-up, consultation, and visit can improve your health and beautiful smile if you want to schedule a friendly dental implant consultation with a well-experienced and professional dentist.

Practice At Your Best is here to provide the assurance and clarity to make a positive change to your dental health. Contact us at 215-206-8784 and arrange for your consultation today.

Have Additional Questions?

Reach out to us anytime and we will be happy to answer any questions or concerns that you have!

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Philadelphia, Pa 19146-5203
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Dental Consulting Services • Philadelphia, PA
Our dentist at Practice At Your Best will provide you with comprehensive dental therapy services where you are missing one tooth or a couple of them. Call us today!
Practice At Your Best - Lynn Pencek, RDH, Philadelphia, Pa 19146; 215-206-8784;; 4/28/2024; Page Phrases: Dental Practice Consultant Philadelphia Pa;